• 2024
  • Jekyll and Hyde Leadership in Chameleonic Era

Jekyll and Hyde Leadership in Chameleonic Era

- Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
Of late, the question of leaders and leadership has taken a controversial stance in almost all fronts - public or private sectors, political or academic institutions; in fact, across virtually all divides. The latest is the Sabah governorship depending on who is articulating what, featuring mainly politicians with vested interests - right or wrong! 
At the same time we are reminded yet again of the status of trustworthiness as well as respectability of politicians, in a survey recently, relative to a host of other public personalities worldwide. No surprise that the politicians stayed among the bottom rung, if not the bottom most, in almost all the participating countries. Malaysia somehow seems to be among the worst, according to the local samples. This time coupled with the so-called "influencers" - a category  newly created to enhance the use of the virtual networks or social media from among the new generations. Politicians used to be regarded as the "influencers" way back then. Not anymore given the "e-influencers" so to speak. 
 That the status of the modern day "influencers" are no better than the politicians says a lot about the sort of "influence" that is involved within the context of trustworthiness and respectability, not unlike that as expected of the politicians. Not unexpectedly,  therefore, both the influencers and politicians are also known to work hand in gloves for mutual benefits. 
Despite this, however, many still chose to listen to the "mumbo-jumbo" that are spewed into public space,  without the slightest remorse, what is more unfolding before the eyes of the world. For example, just last week a neighbouring country official rebuffed Malaysia's claim from a high-powered source regarding the health status of head of the neighbouring country. Sounds like a sickly claim that could have  been avoided by a leader of high calibre. Unfortunately  this one fits well with the latest description reportedly directed to Malaysia as the "sick(wo)man of Asia." 
In other words, all of us are affected, in one way or another. Further degrading the "toxic" political environment that was highlighted at one point. But no one seems to care.
As though to substantiate such a toxic culture, a latest research linked leadership to Mr Jekyll and Dr Hyde, the split personalities made famous by the well-known author Robert Louis Stevenson in 1886. But the research goes beyond what Stevenson intended. Accordingly, the Jekyll and Hyde Leadership is said to refer to "leader who demonstrates positive and negative behaviours, albeit with a different frequency". Such a leader "tends to have a positive allure towards his or her greater pool of followers but would become rude to smaller teams or vicious during times of extreme (toxic) pressure." With charm to draw followers, but at once become "abhorrent" under certain circumstances, not unlike what have been exhibited more frequently nowadays. The leadership styles dramatically change from apparent transformative (reformist) to transactional (draconian) ways, while mismatching (abusive) with the prevailing situations. 
While this leadership style can be readily identifiable even among Malaysians many years before, it comes to the fore quite recently reflecting the expanding toxic culture practices as the ugly political landscape expanded to engulf the various institutions and organisations nationwide! The status of trustworthiness and respectability was thrown to the wind by politicians as a group with rare exceptions, depending on the circumstances, indicating the level of toxic leadership that is now prevalent more ever!
Indeed, akin to the Jekyll and Hyde binary model emerges another which is far more hypocritical and unscrupulous. Some likened it to the inherent nature of a chameleon, a creature that is naturally ever-changing in that it will adapt to whatever environment there is for the sake of survival and self-serving above all others. This takes place as and when the time suits the vested interest well camouflage from harm. In real terms, the chameleon changes its skin colour in response to the surrounding temperature. 
Thus, when the political climate becomes “hot,” chameleon leaders will "change” its behaviour so as to take advantage of precarious situation and "prosper" thereof. Vice versa. This flip-flopping takes a huge toll on the state of trustworthiness and respectability be it in terms of reversal of decisions and promises, by not walking the talk. Including no qualms in telling lies, performing abrupt U-turns or making up self-serving narratives as inherent tactics of the chameleon leaders. Nothing can be trusted or respected for that matter because nothing can be held to be binding as a matter of principle in keeping the team intact when the “core values” are vulnerable to changes all the time. Biologically speaking, this is what the reptile is inherently all about as shown by its subtle ability to change its skin pigmentation in order to blend with various environments. For politicians, such traits can be considered an advantage although deceptive at the core which explains why they remains a group least trusted and respected as compared to true blue professionals.
In summary, when the political environment gets toxic the Jekyll and Hyde among us will at once took the form of chameleon leaders! Malaysia, though noted for its rich chameleon species, its leader cannot be symbolised by the reptile. So too ASEAN in the coming years under Malaysia's chairperson-ship. 
"...'guts' is a commodity that is scarce nowadays in the country."
                       - Mahathir Mohamad, 7th Prime Minister (10 May 2018)